Our Student Data
CBSS’s full-profile student data helps you find the missing data pieces – the exact way you want
High School Student Data Other Sources Can’t Provide
You’ll love the full customization that CBSS offers for full-profile student data. But you’ll only get the missing data you can’t find anywhere else with CBSS!
Testing services only capture a percentage of students.
With CBSS, you’ll get the data on all the other students. Not just any data – the exact student profile in the exact recruitment areas that are identified as high yield!
Even better – we only charge for the unique data!
Collecting Clean & Accurate Data
CBSS’s full-profile student data is powered by a proprietary survey distributed in thousands of high schools nationwide!
The survey is:
- 7th to 12th grade students nationwide
- Fully opt-in so students have full knowledge that information will be used for educational recruitment.
- Distributed multiple times yearly – and we post databse updates several times annually.
- Questions are used as filter criteria in your search to identify the exact type of students you seek.
Enjoy the Lowest Cost-Per-Name with no contracts and mandatory buys.
How Our Search Works
CBSS offers a truly unique service in providing student data that you may have missed – and only charging you for that data!
Data the Way You Want
We preserve the layout you’re used to with your data!
- We mirror Predictive Modeled data to deliver the precise students that you want to focus on – the ones that have been missed from your other data sources.
- Get 30% additional data or more after blending with your funnel and other sources
- Get full use of our data for an entire year.
- CBSS will de-dupe your previous purchases and your database to ensure no duplication.
It’s important that you receive data how you want it, the way you want it.
CBSS is happy to work with you no matter what you might need!
Ready to get started yet?
Reach out to your next years of incoming students by initiating a search now!